What have you done to unwind and relax this weekend? Finding ways to de-stress is vital for your health. For most, the weekend is the best time to do this. Finding this time will help you in more ways than you thought. Reducing stress can.... 1. Bring sanity and peace back to your life 2. Make you feel happy again 3. Recharge your physical and mental batteries 4. Help you connect better with those you love and others (people who are constantly stressed out usually aren’t fun to be around) 5. Help you lose body fat 6. Improve your sex life This photo is of a place I would decompress at. I would bring a couple of beers, water, some snacks and a chair. I’d sit there in total silence and just watch and listen. Is this perfect? Nope. But it worked for me. Find what works for you. Take a walk outside. Have A drink. Read a book. Find a beach. Workout. Run with your dog. Hang out with your loved ones. Hell, go climb a mountain and take a vow of silence for two days! The point is to find things that help make you YOU again. Comment below with ways you decompress to help others who may struggle with it!


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